Thursday 3 March 2011

Shooting Timetable

Here is a table of all the filming we did, when we did it , who was there, and what props we would need for each shot.
It was important to plan far in advance for our filming as we had a large cast and it was difficult to arrange days on which everyone was available. It was important therefore, that when we had such an opportunity we had planned ahead for any and to nake sure that we did the shooting in an time efficient way, and to make sure we got all of the shots required completed within the timeframe that we had. There where many factors that we had to take into account when we were planning to do a shoot:

• Availability of cast and crew
• Weather
• Light, a lot of our filming was done during the winter period, where it gets dark quickly.
• Times that we could organise and negotiate permission to film in locations where this was required.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, you obviously worked hard to make the logistics of the shooting straightforward and this is a clear account of your schedule. There is real clarity of thought and intention. I would like to make this year's c/wk marks bulletproof so...
    Target: This blog is still in need of more posts that detail your research and planning- it's not enough that you just did it- you are awarded marks for the evidence that you present- for top marks I need evidence of 'an excellent level of care in the presentation of research and planning' and we have been offered exemplar blogs with many more posts as evidence of Level 4 - what can you add?
