Friday 8 April 2011


The music for our production was created using Apple's Garageband software on the Macs. We decided on two separate pieces of music, of similar styling. We decided on this to keep the same effect and stick to the genre.

The first piece we constructed using separate Apple loops, each loop consisting of different instruments. We looked at the original Ocean's Eleven trailer for inspiration and to see what style of music would be best fitting for our teaser trailer. We wanted to create a piece of steady pace, jazz-y style. This gives our production an upbeat vibe, but a very casual side too. Alex found an appropriate drum beat, so we used this and built up the whole piece from this, working along side the Ocean's Eleven trailer to pick out certain instrument that would add to the effect of this, seeing as our teaser trailer is of the similar style to Ocean's Eleven.

The first piece of music we created turned out just how we wanted. We felt we needed something that started off setting a level of curiosity to the action, then built up into the pace change of action. We decided to layer all the instrument we found suitable for this style, together. This also corresponds to the action involved in the teaser trailer as we start to introduce the cast all together. Once we had finished this piece we had to make sure the timings were correct. We decided to watch through our teaser trailer and pause the video when we had a change in music and note down the time lapsed, this is so we can match the timings on Garageband precisely.

We then had to create the second piece of music, we needed this to fit the style of the first piece and the whole teaser trailer, as if this didn't it would be too much of a jump to move onto with such a small gap. We stuck to the jazz style but needed it to be of faster pace, to build up towards the end of the action. We felt we needed this as it adds to the drama involved in our production, without the music the video does not have the same effect.

Once, we decided on exactly what we needed, I went through Garageband to find any suitable loops or prerecorded loops that we could edit or use straight away. Eventually I found a jazz style composition that was well fitting for our production, but when we moved this into our track we found the tempo was a little too slow for what we wanted. We decided to adjust the tempo and increase it, after three attempts we got the tempo just right, and the loop was perfect. We then had to fit this around the timings we had noted down.

After completing both pieces of music that we needed, we transferred them to Alex's laptop and copied both pieces into Adobe Premiere Elements and matched the timings to the video of our teaser trailer.

Overall, we both feel that the music for our teaser trailer turned out very well, we created exactly what we wanted and found it added to the overall effect of the teaser trailer.

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